"Walls with windows and doors form the house, but the empty space within it is the essence of the house."
Our architectural style is all about form, function and sustainability. Influenced by the two spheres of Modern Architecture & Traditional Asian Design Influnce, the resulting dicthotomy is one that used clean lines and surfaces, with solid colors and little excess ornamentation. Subtle accentual details, a variety of materials and a pledge to use sustainable products and methods wherever possible all combine to create a place that highlights the space within and the purpose it serves.
For us, our architecture is defined not only by the corners, curves and surfaces but the actual space in between the physical architecture itself. This concept of “space” as a substance was discovered when a member of our team traveled abroad in 2005 to Asia to study Asian Architecture. The concept of “Ma” is a Japanese word which roughly translates into the “space between two structural parts”. There is no equivalent word in the English language for this term. For the Japanese “Ma” is seen as the current present moment in time, and living in that moment.
We want our architecture to serve that purpose and create a space that can help create many moments for you and whomever you wish to experience it.
Interior Design
“ Modern architecture does not mean the use of immature new materials ; the main thing is to refine materials in a more human direction. ”
Interior design is the expression of one's self upon a space more so even that the architecture. All the details reflect facets of one's personality which amalgamate to provide an overall theme and design visual of your space. ArchiChef Design Studio's emphasis on simple modern design aesthetic, natural materials and sustainability aims to achieve your goals of creating your interior space.Graphic Design
"An image ... is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service."
Simply put in the area of Graphic Design we are prepared to meet any needs you have. We range from Banners, Logos, Menus, Posters, Background, Renderings and whatever other eclectic options or proposals you may have. The result for all is the same: The integrity and aesthetic qualities of your company, business or personal space will be realized and conveyed.Casework
“ If you can organize your kitchen , you can organize your life. ”
Not just regulated for kitchens, custom casework for one's business or home is essential , as it is able to be fashioned to your specific needs, tastes and variables. ArchiChef Design Studio offers experience in custom designed casework for kitchens and bathrooms but can design for any other situation presented as well.
Product Developement
“ Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. ”
Whatever equipment one uses, there is always room to innovate and transform it. ArchiChef Design Studio is always working on new design features and evolutions in products everyone uses. Design is not the the only focus of the product but also enervy efficiency. Whether there are ways to reduce the amount of energy and waste a piece of equipment uses so the overall impact it makes on the environment is a little less. From custom sinks, to bars ArchiChef Design Studios will work with you on designing a custom piece of equipment that maximizes efficiency, and productivity, while still retaining modern design aesthetics and style.Consulting
If you are not able to currently commence your design goals ArchiChef Design Studios is available for consulting on any of the specific proposals or ideas you have. We can give you an overview on budget, specific design issues or scope of work. Even if the project just conception it's always a good idea to get an overview on where you are headed and what to prepare for the issues you may face .